The Dreamers Market is a market organised by the studio damdam where dreamers can expose there works.


Come dream on the 15 december for the first edition of "THE DREAMERS Winter Market "!
A christmas market where you can buy really nice handmade, craft gifts made by talented artists.

With Hazal, Anaël, Julia, Joris, Patrick, Béné, Anne-Laure, mon petit paris and more you will discover a selection of their beautiful works made by love, with love, for lovers !

Illustrations, photographies, bio cosmetics, fashion, clothes, bags, jewelry, design objets, all unique pieces who will make you dream !

Please share this event to all your friends and come the 15 december between 12 & 5 pm at Dijkspark 6 1019BS Amsterdam, at Mediamatic barn.

The money goes for a beautiful cause , the association
Musicians Without Borders , have a look !

I will love to share with you this nice moment where you can make nice christmas gifts for your friends & family !

There will be some nice soup and mulled wine to savor made by our two french cooks, Nico and Patrick!

Also you can warm up with some christmas songs to sing and other nice activities !

see you soon my dear friends and never forget to dream !

with love

studio damdam


Dreamer : Anaël Patry
Work : Illustration 
Serie : “Home Sweet Home”

Alice Spieser - Amsterdam, Netherlands - © Studio damdam 2017